Minimally Invasive Micro Sclerostomy (MIMS®) is a stentless, straightforward surgical treatment which effectively lowers the intraocular pressure (IOP) without the need for major invasive surgery.

A Minimal invasive and Stent-less Treatment Glaucoma Innovation
MIMS® is an elegant and minimal invasive procedure at the forefront of interventional glaucoma treatments. Fewer post-op complications allow for effective IOP management. MIMS® is designed to create a sclerostomy similar to trabeculectomy, the gold standard for incisional glaucoma surgery, but with an approach that is less invasive, in terms of tissue damage, and without any implanted material (stent-less). Therefore, complications relating to hyphema and hypotony (such as flat anterior chamber, choroidal effusions and detachments), which are observed in trabeculectomy are expected to occur at a lower incidence and severity with MIMS®. Other post-operative events are expected to be similar to other minimally invasive, stent-less glaucoma treatments.
How MIMS® Works
Minimally Invasive Micro Sclerostomy (MIMS®) is a straightforward , accessible and effective. MIMS® is intended for the reduction of elevated IOP. It works by inserting a specially designed cutting tool into the sclera and removing a small channel of tissue. This channel will remain open and continuously drain, effectively reducing IOP.
MIMS® advantages:
- A minimal surgical intervention into the eye with the consequent lower risk of hypotony or injury to the surrounding ocular tissues
- enables stable post-operative IOP levels
- MIMS® application is elegant and easy
A Ready-to-Use Surgical System
MIMS® is a lightweight surgical system intended for use by trained professional ophthalmologists. It’s easy to use and learn, intuitive to operate and requires fewer staff to assist in non-surgical environments. A central control touchscreen demonstrates the surgical parameters, and a foot pedal initiates the precise handheld cutting tool movement.

Precision Glaucoma Treatment Technology
Learn more about Sanoculis and MIMS® surgical device innovation.

Outstanding Clinical Performance
Min Procedure
IOP Reduction after 12
Medication reduction
at 12 mo.
ZERO Major/serious intra/post-op ocular complications
Major intra/post-op
MIMS® Testimonials
"The procedure is effective in reducing IOP without medication or complications, improving lives and simplifying treatments for glaucoma."
Dr. Ike AhmedOphthalmology MD, Canada
"The procedure is effective in reducing the IOP. It is minimally invasive, fast and does not require any stitches or stents under topical local anesthesia. It lasts several minutes and relieves the patient from the need for medications."
Dr. Lilach Drori
Head of Glaucoma Service, Barzilai Medical Center, Israel
"The procedure is quick, easy to perform and so far, the preliminary results are good and without complications. Every good Cataract surgeon can perform the MIMS surgery combined with Phaco"
Dr. Beatrice TiosanoDirector of Ophthalmology, Hillel Yaffe Medical Center, Israel
"Having conducted post-op follow-up on patients who have undergone this surgery, the IOP was considerably reduced"
Dr. Natalya Kovalyuk
Head of Glaucoma and Cataract Service
Global Distribution & Partners
bauschsurgical.euBausch & Lomb 416 Rue Samuel
Morse Le Millenaire 2 BP 1174 34009
Montpellier France
(33) 4 67 12 30 30